April 28, 2024
How to Use Snapchat My AI The Newly Launched Chatbot of Snapchat

How To Use Snapchat My AI 2023: Try 4 Easy Steps To Use Now

Snapchat has launched its revolutionary My AI chatbot powered by Open AI Chat GPT exciting, isn’t it? I’m this article will show you how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat. On 27th February 2023 Snapchat officially announced that they are rolling out the new My AI feature on Snapchat in collaboration with Open AI GPT.

The feature will be initially available to Snapchat plus subscribers as an experimental feature. With that many users are thrilled to know about the feature and want to know how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat. According to Snapchat, the My AI chatbot feature is specifically customised for Snapchat users to complement its existing features. Like gifting suggestions for birthday of your Snapchat best friend or planning a trip or suggesting recipes for an exotic supper. Know more about how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat in the section below.

How To Use Snapchat My AI 2023: Newly Launched Chatbot of Snapchat!

So how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat. My AI chatbot on Snapchat is powered by the latest version of Open AI GPT exclusively for Snapchat+ users. And as the feature will be launched in the first week of March it can be speculated it will be pinned somewhere at the top of the chat box for you to access easily. The best part about Snapchat My AI chatbot is that you can give it a nickname and change the background wallpaper to make your Snapchat My AI chatbot more personalized.

My AI feature on Snapchat will allow you to talk just like you would chat you another Snapchat friend but it is actually a bot. We believe the Snapchat My AI feature will be revolutionary for Snapchat as well as other social media platforms.

Though the feature is launching on an experimental basis Snapchat still warns its users to be wise and careful while using Snapchat’s My AI the newly launched feature on Snapchat. As every AI has its loopholes and can be put into delusion for inappropriate and false information, which is why Snapchat has warned users to not share any sensitive and private information which can be used against them and breach their privacy.

How To Use Snapchat AI Chat bot?

Follow the steps given below to know how to use Snapchat My AI:

Note: My sure you have a Snapchat Plus subscription to use My AI on Snapchat.

Step 1: Open Snapchat>swipe right or Tap on the chat icon to open the chat tab.

Step 2: Tap on “My AI” from the conversation list.

Step 3: Type your query or ask for any advice>tap on the “Send” button to send the message as usual.

Tip: Ask for a recipe or language translation or you take suggestions for a dinner date.

Step 4: My AI will certainly get reply you eight away according to the type of questions you’ve asked.

Snapchat will store and review all the information you will share with My AI chatbot on Snapchat to avoid any biased, incorrect, harmful, or misleading information, and as promised by Snapchat with the user’s cooperation and feedbacks the feature will enhance the overall usage and experience of Snapchat. That’s all about how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat.

How To Get Snapchat My AI?

To get Snapchat My AI then the only way to do so is by buying a Snapchat Plus subscription and being a Snapchat Plus user. To get Snapchat plus subscription follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open Snapchat>Tap on the bitmoji icon at the top to open the profile page.

Step 2: Tap on the Snapchat Plus membership option.

Step 3: Tap on subscription pack (Monthly or yearly)>process your payment according to your subscription pack and you are done.

How To Add Feedback On Snapchat My AI?

Once you know how to use Snapchat My AI the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat. Snapchat urges its users to enter their feedback on their newly launched chatbot on Snapchat to improve it further. To submit feedbacks on Snapchat’s newly launched chatbot on Snapchat you have to:

Open Snapchat> tap and hold on to any message from My AI>and submit your feedback.

Also, see:

End Line

We hope by now you know how to use Snapchat My AI feature the newly launched chatbot of Snapchat. The feature will indeed add an exciting yet helpful experience to Snapchat. You can talk with the Snapchat bot as a normal person. Though it is advised by team Snapchat that one must not share sensitive information.

We hope our article was helpful enough, please leave us feedback in the comment box below and If you have any other queries you can always reach us by commenting in the comment box below. We will be happy to help!

Thank You For Reading!

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