April 28, 2024
How To Talk To AI on Snapchat

How To Talk To AI on Snapchat? Try These 5 Steps To Talk Now

Snapchat’s My AI has been held on social media by storm and everyone is trying to get their hands on a Snapchat Plus subscription to know to use My AI. If you are wondering how to talk to AI on Snapchat we’ve got your back! In this article, we will show you how to talk to AI on Snapchat and want all you need to do to talk with my AI on Snapchat.

My AI chatbot powered by Chat GPT is only available for Snapchat Plus users where we can have a one-to-one conversation with the chatbot and ask for any suggestions, dinner recipes, note translations, etc. To know how to talk to AI on Snapchat you have to open Snapchat>go to Chats>open My AI chat window>type in any question or just say hi! initiate a conversation like you normally do with any other Snapchat friend. My AI will reply to you back within seconds. There is a lot more you must know about how to talk to AI on Snapchat and we’ve described all of them below.

What Is My AI On Snapchat?

How To Talk To AI on Snapchat

Before you know how to talk to AI on Snapchat let’s know what is My AI on Snapchat. Well, My AI chatbot on Snapchat is powered by the chat GPT’s latest version and is exclusively for Snapchat+ users only. It is a chatbot specifically formulated for Snapchat and its users. The chatbot allows users to have a one-to-one conversation with them like a normal friend but virtually. You can ask for dinner recipes, language translation, vacation planning, and other advice from My AI on Snapchat.

One can talk to AI on Snapchat like a normal Snapchat friend but as AI is capable of exploiting sensitive information if shared so it is advised by team Snapchat to not be too frank with AI. Other than that as Snapchat is very concerned with its user’s protection policy which is why Snapchat will check and review all the conversations with My AI chatbot on Snapchat to avoid any biased, incorrect, harmful, or misleading information.

How To Talk To AI on Snapchat?

To know how to talk to AI on Snapchat, remember that My AI is exclusively available for Snapchat Plus users, so make sure you have a Snapchat Plus subscription. Follow the steps given below to know how to talk to AI on Snapchat:

Note: Make sure you have a Snapchat Plus subscription to talk with My AI on Snapchat.

Step 1: Open Snapchat>swipe right or Tap on the chat icon to open the chat tab.

Step 2: Tap on “My AI” to open the chat window from the conversation list.

Step 3: Type in any question or ask for any advice.

For example: Give me dinner suggestions, what is the best place to visit this summer vacation? Can you translate Amour into English? Etc.

Note: Team Snapchat has urged users to not share sensitive information with AI as AI can potentially cause harm if misused.

Step 4: Hit the “Send” button to send the message as you would normally do.

Step 5: My AI will reply in seconds according to the questions you’ve asked.

How To Get My AI on Snapchat?

To know how to talk to AI on Snapchat firstly you must know how can you get My AI on Snapchat. So to get My AI on Snapchat you have to buy a Snapchat Plus subscription follow the steps given below to know how:

Step 1: Open Snapchat> Tap on the bitmoji icon at the top to open your Snapchat profile page.

Step 2: Tap on the Snapchat+ option at the top of your profile or you can tap on the Gear icon ⚙️ to open settings>tap on the “Snapchat+” option.

Step 3: Tap on the “Subscribe” option> Tap select your plan (Annual or monthly) to pay for the subscription and you are done.

Also, read:

End Line

We hope by now you know how to talk to AI on Snapchat and how you can get My AI to talk with it. To know how to talk to AI on Snapchat you have to make sure you are a Snapchat Plus user. Open Snapchat chats>tap on My AI pinned at the top>type in any question or ask for any solution like you would normally ask from a friend and you are done.

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