July 5, 2024
How Does Your Snap Score Go Up?

Is Snapchat Removing Snapscores Or Not? Checkout The Update

If you are wondering about is Snapchat removing snapscores then this article will clear all the haze around it! Recently many rumors are floating around social media platforms like Tiktok, and Instagram that Snapchat will be soon removing Snapchat scores which is why many active users are asking the same question, “Is Snapchat removing snapscores?” This article will give you the truth behind whether is Snapchat removing snapscores or not!

Well, we all know Snapchat scores is a classic Snapchat feature since the launch of the Snapchat app in 2011. But a viral Tiktok in March 2023 claiming that Snapchat is removing snapscores brought a storm among all Snapchat lovers. So the question is, is Snapchat removing snapscores?

Well, fortunately the answer to this is a big “No!.” You can take a sigh of relief that Snapchat is not removing snapscores from Snapchat and all of the rumors about Snapchat removing snapscores are false. Team Snapchat took its Twitter handle to deny all the false rumors about is Snapchat removing snapscores or not. To know more read the section below.

Is Snapchat Removing Snapscores?

Snapchat score not only helps you to check the authenticity of a Snapchat user but also helps users to identify for how long they’ve joined Snapchat. The feature is a constant throughout the evolution of the app thick or thin and believes it or not there are still many people across the globe sending multiple streaks just to increase their Snapscores.

With rumors like whether is Snapchat removing snapscores, many users felt devastated and flooded other social media apps like Twitter, and Instagram to know if Snapchat is removing snapscores or not. The spark of rumors started with a viral Tiktok video with over two million+ views. The video has been shared and flooded overall social media platforms to confirm whether is Snapchat removing snapscores or not! Well to this Snapchat took no time to deny the rumor and cleared all the haze.

Fortunately team Snapchat took its Twitter handle to put an end to all rumors regarding is Snapchat removing snapscores. The team replied to the shared video on Twitter to confirm that Snapchat scores are not going anywhere and this is all just a rumor. In reply Snapchat team said “No need to worry. This is just a rumor! Happy Snapping,” which brought a wave of relief to every Snapchat user.

Snapchat score is indeed an iconic and staple feature of Snapchat and with the evolution and rise of Snapchat inc, we believe Snapchat will never leave its roots and never get rid of Snapchat score. Now that you know that Snapchat is not getting rid of snapscores let’s know how you can see Snapscores on Snapchat.

How To See Snapscore On Snapchat?

Follow up the steps given below to learn how to see your Snapchat score:

Step 1: Open Snapchat>tap on the bitmoji icon at the top right corner of the screen to open your Snapchat profile page.

Step 2: There you can find your snapscores located just below your username or snapcode. Besides your astrological sign.

End line

We hope now you have a clear answer for whether is Snapchat removing snapscores or not. Snapchat scores are an iconic feature of Snapchat and it was confirmed by Snapchat it is there to stay and not going anywhere.

We hope our article was helpful enough, please leave us feedback in the comment box below and If you have any other queries you can always reach us by commenting in the comment box below. We will be happy to help!

Thank You For Reading!


Q1. Does Snapchat still show Snapscore?

Yes, you can see your Snapchat score under your username on your profile page. It is placed just beside your astrological sign.

Q2. What is the highest Snapscore ever?

The title of the highest Snapchat score is held by @mustbecris with a score of more than 320 million.

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